Sponsor Electronic Portals

A variety of sponsors have an electronic system for proposal submission and award management. The Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) helps to manage UNM's accounts and roles for these systems. Proposals submitted through an electronic portal always require OSP approval beforehand. 

Accounts can be required for PIs as well as administrators in order to prepare proposals and manage awards. OSP is the Authorizing and Signing Official within each system. Roles vary by system and are managed by OSP. If you do not see a system listed below, please contact OSP so we can establish an account. You can contact osp@unm.edu with any inquiries or general questions. 

Additional information on how to obtain acess to various electronic research portals can be found in an informative video provided here.

The eRA Commons User Account request form can be found here

System For Award Management (SAM)

Applicants (UNM) applying to federal agencies are required to be registered in SAM (https://www.sam.gov) prior to submitting applications. SAM registration must be renewed every year. An up-to-date SAM registration expiration date can be found on OSP's Institutional Facts page.

Common Portals


Grant Solutions

Grant Solutions is a grants and program management service provider that supports Federal agencies throughout the entire grant's lifecycle. Some of the Federal sponsors include U.S. Department of the Interior and the Department of Health and Human Services. A comprehensive list can be found at: https://home.grantsolutions.gov/home/partners/. The US Department of the Interior is slowly rolling out Grant Solutions to all of the awarding bureaus. It has been done in three transition groups. The last group will be transitioned on November 30th 2020. Addtional details can be found here.

*Grant Solutions will phase out support for Internet Explorer by 08/17/2021

Obtaining an Account

An account request must be submitted through OSP. The Grant Solutions User Account Request Form must be completed and sent to osp@unm.edu. OSP will sign the bottom of the form as the Authorized Official and send it to Grant Solutions. Username and password will be send via email by Grant Solutions. This process can take up to 48 hours.

PIs should request the PD/PI role. Support Staff role can be requested by Department Administrators. All other roles are reserved for OSP.


Grant Solutions User Guide can be found here




Grants.gov is a Federal Pre-Award system to system application used to submit and track proposal submissions.

Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by the user through Grants.gov. When creating an account, make sure to affiliate it with UNM. Once the account has been created, affiliation requests are automatically forwarded to OSP for approval. 

PIs and Department Administrators can request the Workspace manager role. Other roles are reserved for OSP.


 User Guide can be found here



National Science Foundation (NSF) Research.gov / Fastlane

FastLane and Research.gov are used to manage NSF grants. These systems are used throughout the grants lifecycle. Actions include proposal submission, file updates and No Cost Extensions.

Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by the user through Research.gov. Once the account has been created, make sure to affiliate it with UNM through your account profile. Affiliation requests are automatically forwarded to OSP for approval. 

PIs should request the PI role. Other Authorized User Role can be requested by Department Administrators. All other roles are reserved for OSP.


User Guide can be found here

NSF Document Guide and Resources can be found here

NSF PAPPG (May 2024) can be found here



NIH eRA Commons

eRA Commons is used to manage NIH grants. The system can be used to track submission progress, view application errors and warnings. Other actions include: Just-In-Time (JIT), No Cost Extensions and progress/project reports.
Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by OSP. User requests can be submitted through the User Request Form located on the OSP website. 

User Guide can be found here




NSPIRES is the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System. It is used for NASA proposal submissions and is used throughout the grant lifecycle.
Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by the user through NSPIRES. When creating an account, make sure to affiliate it with UNM. Once the account has been created, affiliation requests are automatically forwarded to OSP for approval. 


Tutorials and User Guides can be found here

Guidebook for Proposers and other resources can be found here


Other Sponsor Portals

Colorado VSS

Institutional Account - OSP can assist with submissions


EBRAP(Department of Defense)

EBRAP is a Pre-Award and Post-Award system used primarily for DHA, Army, USAMRMC, USAMRAA and CDMRP.

Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by the user through EBRAP. When creating an account, make sure to affiliate it with UNM. Once the account has been created, affiliation requests are automatically forwarded to OSP for approval. 


User Guide can be found here


EERE (Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy)

Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by the user through EERE. When creating an account, make sure to affiliate it with UNM. Once the account has been created, affiliation requests are automatically forwarded to OSP for approval. 


User Guide can be found here


European Commission

Inquire with OSP for account setup


eGMS (IMLS) - Institute of Museum and Library Services

PI accounts are established when awarded. Participants that have been assigned to the award can add additional users. 


eGMS Reach (NEA) - National Endowment for the Arts

PI accounts are established when awarded. Participants that have been assigned to the award can add additional users. 


eGMS Reach (NEH) - National Endowment for the Humanities

PI accounts are established when awarded. Participants that have been assigned to the award can add additional users. 



Supports the Corporation for National and Community Service grants. 

Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by the user through Egrant. When creating an account, make sure to affiliate it with UNM. Once the account has been created, affiliation requests are automatically forwarded to OSP for approval.


FedConnect (Government Acquisition & Grant Programs)

Supports a variety of Federal sponsors. 

Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by the user through FedConnect. When creating an account, make sure to affiliate it with UNM. Once the account has been created, affiliation requests are automatically forwarded to OSP for approval.



Electronic system supports all FEMA grant programs.

Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by the user through FEMA Go. After creating an account, it will need to be affiliated with UNM. The affiliation requests must be emailed to OSP for approval.

User Startup Guide

User Manual

AOR Tips



FireScience.gov Supports the Joint Fire Service Program (JFSP).

Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by the user through FireScience.gov. When creating an account, make sure to affiliate it with UNM. Accounts are managed by Firescience.gov. Budget Contact and Agreements Contact roles are reserved for OSP.


Fluxx (W.K. Kellogg Foundation)

FLUXX is the system used by W.K. Kellogg Foundation to submit, develop and manage proposals and/or grants.

Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by the user through Fluxx. When creating an account, it must be affiliated with “Regents of the University of New Mexico”. All institutional profile information will be provided by the Office of Sponsored Projects.


Portal Overview Guide here

Accounts Usernames Passwords Guide here

Submitting an LOI Guide here

Submitting a Proposal Guide here


Grants Online

Grants Online supports a variety of entities within the Department of Commerce. The system is used for Post-Award functions.

Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by the user through Grants Online. When creating an account, make sure to affiliate it with UNM. Once the account has been created, affiliation requests are automatically forwarded to OSP for approval.


User Guide can be found here



JustGrants is used for the Department of Justice. It is used for Pre-Award and Post-Award actions. 

Obtaining Account

Inquire with OSP for account setup. 


User Guide can be found here


Non-Disaster (ND) Grants Management System

ND Grants supports FEMA grants. It is used for Pre-Award and Post-Award actions such as submitting applications, reviewing awards, submitting amendments and performance reports.

Obtaining Account

Accounts must be created by the user through ND Grants. After creating an account, it will need to be affiliated with UNM. The affiliation requests are automatically forwarded to OSP for approval.


User Guide can be found here


NIFA Reporting Portal (REEport)

REEport is NIFA’s singular non-capacity grant (including competitive) and capacity grant project reporting system.

Obtaining Account

Inquire with OSP for account setup.


User Guide can be found here


PAMS (Department of Energy)

PAMS supports the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science (SC). It is a web-based system for Pre-Award and Post-Award actions.

Obtaining Account

Accounts can be created by the user through PAMS. Affiliation notifications are automatically forwarded to OSP. OSP assigns user roles.


User Guide can be found here


Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE: WAWF, EDA, SPRS)

PIEE is the primary enterprise procure-to-pay (P2P) application for the Department of Defense

Obtaining Account

Accounts can be created by the user through PIEE. Affiliation notifications are automatically forwarded to OSP. OSP approves user roles.


User Guide and training resources can be found here



ProposalCENTRAL supports a variety of non-federal sponsors. In particular, it is used to submit Simons Foundation applications. 

Obtaining Account

PI accounts can be created by the user through ProposalCENTRAL. Signing and Financial Officials are assigned by the Institution Official.


User Guide can be found here


Space Telescope Grants Management System (STGMS)

STGM supports the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). It is a web-based system for Pre-Award and Post-Award actions.

Obtaining Account

Inquire with OSP for account setup.


User Guide can be found here