PI Eligibility for Graduate Students
Typically, graduate students at UNM are interested in applying for pre-doctoral grants “whereby the work is conceived of and carried out entirely by a graduate student.” Examples include but are not limited to: NSF - Graduate Research Fellowship Program, NASA - Harriett G. Jenkins Predoctoral Fellowship Program, NIH - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards for Individual Predoctoral Fellowships [F31] to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research, NIH - Pre-doctoral Training at the Interface of the Behavioral and Biomedical Sciences, DOE - The National Methane Hydrates R&D Program - Graduate Fellowship Program. Some of these programs allow for direct submission to the agency by the graduate student while others require submission by the UNM main campus Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) using Cayuse.
UNM guidelines can be found here. Additional assistance with proposal development can be obtained by contacting a Faculty Research Support Officer (FRSO). FRSO contact information can be found at: http://frdo.unm.edu/.
If you are a graduate student and are interested in applying for a grant that requires submission by OSP, you must:
- Verify that your department or program approves of you serving as a PI on a particular proposal by completing the PI Eligibility Exception Request Form located at: http://osp.unm.edu/forms/index.html. This completed and signed form must be uploaded into the Streamlyne record at the time of routing.
- Finally, if the project is awarded, you will be required to take the Grants Management and PI Training that the federal government requires UNM to provide for all PIs. Dates and times can be found at: https://researchcompliance.unm.edu/training-and-resources/index.html. In order to register for this training, graduate students must be granted access to UNM’s Learning Central website. Please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Request access to Learning Central by downloading and filling out the following two forms:- Step 2: Email both forms to cynthiap@unm.edu.
- Step 3: After being granted access to Learning Central log in and register for the PI Training.
Please Note that access requests can take between 24- 48 hours to be granted. For Questions and issues with the above process, please call 505.277.1555 or email cynthiap@unm.edu.